Finance Meeting 4/15/2024  7:00PM-8:00PM

The Finance Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the Board of Directors on all fiscal matters.  Its members shall be proposed for selection from Club members known to be knowledgeable and experienced in one or more of the fields of accounting, law, finance, and business management.  The Finance Committee shall:

  1. Review annually the Club`s accounting records and submit a written report of this review to the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days prior to the January meeting of the Board.
  2. Meet at the earliest possible date in October to review the Flag Officers` funding requests and any capital spending requests for the coming year.
  3. Present to the Board of Directors at its November meeting a draft budget incorporating all Flag Officer and capital expenditure requests with recommendations regarding the necessity and appropriateness of the requests.
  4. Present to the Board of Directors at its January meeting a proposed budget for the coming year for its consideration and adoption, with appropriate revisions, prior to the conclusion of the meeting.

The Finance Committee shall also review and report on any other matters as requested by the Board of Directors.

Date: 4/15/2024  
Time: 7:00PM - 8:00PM Location: Board Room
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