Food & Beverage Meeting 11/21/2024  5:30PM-7:00PM

The Food and Beverage Committee shall consist of the Vice Commodore as Chair and four additional members (hereafter referred to as "regular committee members"), chosen by the Vice Commodore with the advice and approval of the Commodore and approved by the Board of Directors at a regular Board Meeting.  The committee shall act as staff to the Vice Commodore and provide planning and support on all items affecting the social, food, beverage and galley operations of the Club.  the committee shall submit quarterly progress reports to the Board of Directors though the Vice Commodore.  The regular committee members shall be members of the Club and consist of individuals chosen for their ability to serve the needs of the committee.  the regular members shall serve for four years, except that one member shall change each year, unless re-appointed.  the committee shall meet monthly at an agreed upon time and place.  Costs incurred by the committee shall be borne by the Vice Commodore`s budget and shall have the Vice Commodore`s approval.  The Vice Commodore shall select new regular committee members as required to fill vacancies created by resignations or inability to serve, of other regular committee members.

Date: 11/21/2024  
Time: 5:30PM - 7:00PM Location: Members Lounge
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